Get Well

Can't visit your friend or family member while she is in hospital ? we can deliver it for you, send a basket of speedy recovery flowers to her on her difficult time, we can send it to the hospital or home address in two hours or within today.
10 Gerberas and Chrysanthemum Vase Bouquet
10 Gerberas and Chrysanthemum Bouquet ..
HK$520.00 HK$620.00
2 orange and 2 white Asiatic Lily Bouquet
2 orange and 2 white Asiatic Lily Bouquet ..
HK$520.00 HK$620.00
20 Roses - Purple Roses Bouquet
Want to make a unique statement? Send a bouquet of purple roses. This soft royal hue boasts a swee..
HK$900.00 HK$970.00
24 Long Stem premium Roses Presentation Box
24 Long Stem premium Roses Presentation Box ..
HK$870.00 HK$970.00
30pcs Large Mixed Color Tulips Bouquet
We proudly present our 30-piece Large Mixed Color Tulips arrangement in a vase, sourced directly fro..
HK$970.00 HK$1,270.00