Flowers Bouquet
Flowers Bouquet, flowers can be arranged in bouquet or vase, flowers bouquet can keep around 5-7 days depends on different type of flowers, unpack the flower bouquet and put it in a vase and change waters everyday, it's make the flowers can keep longer, some flowers such as Hygrangea, Lillies, Calla Lily or Sun Flowers can last for more than seven days under good care, add some flowers foods to the water can keep longer life for the flowers.
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10 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet
Red roses show ele..
HK$600.00 HK$670.00
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18pcs Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet
HK$719.00 HK$819.00
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Want to make a unique statement?
Send a bouquet of purple roses. This soft royal hue boasts a swee..
HK$900.00 HK$970.00
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24 Long Stem Roses Bouquet
HK$800.00 HK$1,010.00
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A Place in the Sun
HK$500.00 HK$700.00
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Eighteen Red Rose Round Bouquet
This flower bouquet consists of 18 long sticks of roses. The roses ..
HK$800.00 HK$900.00
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Amazing Summer
Two Dozen , 24 Pink Roses Bouquet - Maria Pink Rose
Want to..
HK$870.00 HK$1,070.00
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Asiatic and Gerbera Bouquet
HK$470.00 HK$500.00
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Baby Breath Bouquet, A very special Korea Style Bouquet, good for birthday, anniversary, celebration..
HK$800.00 HK$1,000.00
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HK$620.00 HK$670.00
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To Celebrate birthday party to your lovely wife, this colorful party bouquet include Hot pink, orang..
HK$1,100.00 HK$1,300.00
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Birthday Wish, send this Gerberas Flowers Hand Bouquet with Three colors of Gerbera, Pink, Yellow, a..
HK$600.00 HK$620.00
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Black Jack and Yellow Queen Tulips Vase Bouquet
10 Black Jack and 10 Yellow Queen Tulip..
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Elegant White Lily Bouquet
Briefness is the Key to Brilliance. The Briefness of white lilies, alway..
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Bright Holland Yellow Tulips Bouquet
10 Holland Fresh Tulips in Yellow Color
Yellow tulip prov..
HK$800.00 HK$900.00
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Showing 1 to 15 of 85 (6 Pages)