

We deliver Elegent and Traditional Sympathy Flowers, Funeral, Sympathy and Condolence flowers arrangement to any funeral home, church in Hong Kong, flowers always in white and green colors for sympathy, if the people deceased is elder people, you can choose a pink or red color Condolence flowers for them for their last step.

15 Mixed Dendrobium Orchids Vase Bouquet

15 Mixed Dendrobium Orchids Vase Bouquet

15 Mixed Dendrobium Orchids ..

HK$570.00 HK$720.00

4 Oriental Lily Bouquet Vase Bouquet

4 Oriental Lily Bouquet Vase Bouquet

4 Oriental Lily Bouquet ..

HK$420.00 HK$600.00

4pcs Asiatic Lily Bouquet Vase Bouquet

4pcs Asiatic Lily Bouquet Vase Bouquet

4pcs Asiatic Lily Bouquet ..

HK$480.00 HK$540.00

7 Oriental White Lily Bouquet

7 Oriental White Lily Bouquet

7 Oriental Lily Bouquet in White Color ..

HK$540.00 HK$610.00

A Place in the Sun

A Place in the Sun

A Place in the Sun ..

HK$500.00 HK$700.00

Asiatic Lily and Iris Bouquet Vase Bouquet

Asiatic Lily and Iris Bouquet Vase Bouquet

Asiatic Lily and Iris Bouquet ..

HK$520.00 HK$620.00



Elegant White Lily Bouquet Briefness is the Key to Brilliance. The Briefness of white lilies, alway..


Bright Holland Yellow Tulips Bouquet

Bright Holland Yellow Tulips Bouquet

Bright Holland Yellow Tulips Bouquet 10 Holland Fresh Tulips in Yellow Color Yellow tulip prov..

HK$800.00 HK$900.00

Calla White

Calla White

White Roses with White Calla Lily in Vase Beautiful Calla lilies and White roses are simply set a..


Chrysanthemum and Asiatic Bouquet

Chrysanthemum and Asiatic Bouquet

Chrysanthemum and Asiatic Bouquet ..

HK$570.00 HK$670.00



Faithfully ..

HK$540.00 HK$600.00

Four Stem White Phalaenopsis Orchid

Four Stem White Phalaenopsis Orchid

White Phalaenopsis Orchid ..

HK$1,020.00 HK$1,370.00

Lovely Snow

Lovely Snow

A Bouquet of Four White Lilies and Lisianthus plus Greenery in a beautiful Hand bouquet. White lill..


Mixed Bouquet

Mixed Bouquet

Mixed Bouquet ..

HK$470.00 HK$500.00

Mixed Bouquet ,2 Gerbera and 3 Rose Vase Bouquet

Mixed Bouquet ,2 Gerbera and 3 Rose Vase Bouquet

Mixed Bouquet ,2 Gerbera and 3 Rose ..

HK$420.00 HK$480.00

Showing 1 to 15 of 30 (2 Pages)


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